About Us:

USB-shop.com is where you'll find all
things USB ... and Firewire, too,
primarily for Apple Mac systems,
although virtually all of the devices
listed at USB-Shop.com will generally
work on all Windows systems and Linux
systems as well!
We provide multi-pack purchase options
for engineers, service companies, technology
resellers and computer dealers. There
are so many new and innovative USB
products and adapters available now,
that we wanted to provide our consumers
with a one-stop source for high technology
products in small and large quantities
for the Apple World. If you don't see
what you need, please feel free to
contact us and we will try to help
you find it.
If you are not sure if an item will
work for your application, eMail us
Have a unique product need? Need a
discontinued product? eMail us and
we'll do our very best to find that
item for you. We work with a wide variety
of manufacturers and distributors to
provide you the very best product selection
If you have a question, concern or
comment, please email me. I'd like
to hear from you!
>USB-Shop.com is part of the = IndustrialComponent.com
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